Dhiraj Jetwani

Dhiraj Puroshottam Jetwani

Dhiraj Puroshottam Jetwani

Junior Research Group of Dr. Christoph Eberl


Research Project


Implementation of Optical based Real Time Strain Measurement:

Digital Image Correlation and Tracking (DIC/DDIT) is an optical method that employs tracking & image registration techniques for accurate 2D and 3D measurements of changes in images. This is often used to measure deformation, displacement, and strain, but it is widely applied in many areas of material science and engineering. The improved computation power of each new computer generation has reduced post processing time but now the focus is to successfully implement a real time process. In this project, the aim is to evaluate a novel implementation of digital image correlation and tracking algorithm as real time strain measurement. Therefore, a novel code has been implemented in CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) for the use of a GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) coprocessor which allows 20X faster processing than CPUs. The CUDA code has been interfaced with experimental control program based on LabVIEW to allow real time 2D full field strain measurement. The stability and the constraints of such a system shall be evaluated and documented as this is crucial for a real time experimental setup.


Education and Qualification:


2008 / 2012

Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani, India

Pursuing Bachelor of Engineering (Hons.), Electronics and Instrumentation


2006 / 2008

Cambridge International, Indore, India

PCM Topper &AISSCE passed with distinction, Central Board of Secondary Education



Choithram International, Indore, India

School Captain &Awarded Grade 6, Middle Year Program (MYP), International Baccalaureate (IB)Organization.


Employment and Work Experience:


2011 / 2012

Birla Institute of Technology & Science (BITS), Pilani, India

Centre for Robotics & Intelligent Systems (CRIS)

Localization and Mapping using Mobile Robot under Dr. B. K. Rout


2011 / 2012

Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute (CEERI), Pilani, India

Digital System Group

DSP based Real Time Vehicle Classification under Dr. J L Rahega



Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany

Institute of Material Science (IAM-WBM)

Implementation of Optical based Real Time Strain Measurement under Dr. ChristophEberl



Apna Technologies & Solutions, Bangalore, India

Vibration Analyzer & Data Logger for Indian Railways.


2009 / 2010


Central Scientific Instruments Organisation, Chandigarh, India

Computational Instrumentation (CI) Division

Cephalometric Landmark Identification using Fuzzy Wavelet Edge Detector under Dr. H K Sardana(Publishedand Indexedin Proceedings of IEEE MeMeA 2011, Bari, Italy with DOI: 10.1109/MeMeA.2011.5966733 ).