Network for the junior research group leaders established




Since the end of May, 2008, the independent junior research group leaders with personnel responsibility at KIT have been teaming up for the Young Investigator Network (YIN). This network provides a basis for a consistent representation of interests of the junior research group leaders.





Sprecher und seine Vertreter

Vice President of Research and Information Prof. Dr.-Ing. D. Löhe supporting YIN from the idea to the implementation. Together with Chair and Vice-Chairs of YIN (from left to right: Dominic von Terzi, Timo Mappes, Detlef Löhe, Christoph Eberl)


The main aim of the YIN consists in increasing the attractiveness of KIT for young scientists and especially in supporting junior research group leaders by an extensive coaching and mentoring program for encouraging their personal and professional advancement.
The first steps towards these goals have already been taken successfully: the tailor-made leadership and didactics courses for the YIN members have been created and participants are enthusiastic about benefiting from this input.

To rise each junior research group leaders visibility the opportunity to create an independent website for each group has been created in the frame of
The tasks of the YIN are funded by the German Excellence Initiative. Moreover, this self-governing network is assisted by the KIT Research Office.

 Founder members of YIN. Launch event on May 21, 2008.