Learn more about YIN from YIN members: listen to JProf. Petra Schwer and HYIG leader Thomas Brown
Terms of affiliation for YIN membership

The aim of YIN is to support Junior Research Group Leaders (JRGL) and Junior and Tenure Track Professors at the KIT. The core tasks that define YIN are:
- networking
- exchange within a close peer-community
- representing the interests of YIN members within KIT and outside
- providing a dedicated professional development program for future scientific leaders
- fostering scientific collaborations
Eligible for YIN membership are junior and tenure track professors at KIT as well as independent junior research group leaders, provided that they have obtained their research group as principle investigator in a formal selection procedure (inside or outside the KIT) and carry personnel responsibility for at least one TV-L 13 position or equivalent. This position or their own needs to be financed from their own budget.
Examples are:
- Junior professors
- Tenure track professors
- ERC Starting Grant Awardees
- Emmy Noether Junior Research Group Leaders
- BMBF Junior Research Group Leaders
- Helmholtz Young Investigator Group Leaders
- KIT Junior Research Group Leaders
- Leaders of KIT Young Investigator Groups (YIG)
- Leader of (Shared) Research Groups (RG, SRG)
As many further funding opportunities are offered, this list is by no means conclusive. If there are any uncertainties, please, feel free to contact the YIN office for further advice.
To apply, please provide the information requested in the application form.